Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why I Will Never Be A Farmer

I love cows. Cows are pretty much my favorite animal, they're great pets, and extremely lovable. BUT I hate birthing. It's pretty much the most disgusting part of living on a farm. Today, I just happened to be the only other person in the barn to help my dad when this cow was supposed to calve. Now, this wasn't a cute little hair covered calf, this calf was deformed. Of course it was dead and if it had been alive when we pulled it, it wouldn't have lived for long. It had no hair, no muscled, no lips (cows have lips), and it's hooves were not like any other hooves I have ever seen. So, pretty much a sucky morning. I hope the day only gets better.
Just to make sure, I might just call up Miss Sydney Wilkins!!! Maybe we can go see "Eat Pray Love"!! But it would probably have to be with my mother and my sister. Anyway, ya'll have a nice day now! See ya!


Jan said...

looks that there went something wrong in the environment of the mother cow. Very sad it happened.

My uncle once had a calve with 5 legs. that was a unique birth. What you describe is just macabre.

Take care

SherBear said...

Yes thank you. The poor cow got milk fever soon after. It happens every so often though. So many things can go wrong. I just happened to be there for that particular calf. We've had two very healthy calves since then!
(I have never seen a calf with an extra limb, thank goodness!)