What exactly is the point of a mosquito? They don't do anything but turn into little greedy vampires and fill bites in your skin with an itchy poison, and then they drink your blood! Mosquitos spread disease and infection! West Nile! Malaria! And if you are so stupidly audacious as to even think about going outside when it is less than 100 degrees, you will get eaten alive!
My sister loves to run and wanted so badly to run 13 miles because she had opted out on running a half marathon race and was regretting it. So she goes running and I go biking at 7:30 in the morning and apparently the mosquitoes needed to let us know that Little Haney Rd. is THEIR territory and no one shall dare trespass on it!!
When I do get mosquito bites I am famous for scratching at them so much that I destroy the skin on my ankles and feet. It's awful. The only thing that works is Aveeno anti-itch gel spray. WHICH IS GONE!!!! So I am in agony and want to take a trip to Walmart and never leave the house again. Only to go to the car...and the clothesline...and...maybe the barn. But nowhere else!!!
Got it!! Okay so that would be a little impossible for me, but let's make it clear that mosquitoes are the most worthless living breathing things on the planet!! So when you hear a buzzing in your ear make sure that the mosquito that made it is dead. I, personally will be killing all the mosquitoes I can get my hands on.
Ask an insect-eating bird what is the point of mosquitos. It will tell you that they make a tasty snack between meals.
Ask a mosquito what is the point of humans, and she will tell you they make a good main meal.
Yes I will say that I LOVE songbirds. But that doesn't make me like itching and scratching my summer away. Oh well. They will all die now that it's getting colder. Yay!
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