Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Anything Goes!!

The musical at my school this year is "Anything Goes". Ya know, by Cole Porter. It's is possibly the funniest musical I've EVER been in! And I've been in quite a few. I play Bonnie, aka: Shameless Hussy, No-boundaries Bonnie, flirt and G.S. for General slut. I do a lot of the dancing in the play. I actually got to choreograph 2 of the songs that have 6 other dancers in them! So if anyone is actually reading this: Come to the North Crawford Playhouse Production of Anything Goes. November 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13.
Our high school is widely renowned for it's way better than average production. We are better than some college productions! Shhhh!!! Just don't tell them that! Well anyway, we haven't sold a whole lot of tickets yet and I was just trying to broadcast a little bit! :)